Harvard Wireless Club



-- Since 1909 --
A student-run organization at Harvard College

Field Day 2011 at Oak Ridge Observatory

[Photographer: John Hawkinson]

Field Day was held this year at the Oak Ridge Observatory in Harvard, MA. It was a smashing success. We would like to especially thank our Faculty Advisor and Trustee Paul Horowitz, W1HFA, for securing the site for us. A big thank you also goes out to our Field Day Coordinator, Clayton Nall, NF1R, who did a superb job coordinating and planning. We would also like to thank all those who participated from MIT W1XM/W1MX. It was a great time working with all of you. We operated as a category "2A" with 2 main transceivers and a "free" vhf/uhf station (callsign W1AF), as well as a "get on the air" station (callsign W1PL). Together, over 3000 QSO's were made. When we have the final numbers we will post them. Thank you again to all who participated. (missing from photo: Paul Horowitz W1HFA, George Clark W1XW, Chip Coldwell W1CMC, Quentin Smith AB1IZ)

- The Harvard Wireless Club

Field Day Point Scoring

Scoring of Wireless Club Members

ARRL Field Day Entry Form

Call Used: W1AF GOTA Station Call: W1PL ARRL/RACSection: WMA Class: 2A

Participants: 19 Club/Group Name: Harvard Wireless Club & MITRadio Society
Power Source(s): Generator, Solar
Power Multiplier: 2X

Bonus Points:
100% Emergency power 200
NTS message to ARRL SM/SEC 100
Formal NTS messages handled - No.=10 100
Natural power QSOs completed 100
GOTA Bonus 200
Submitted via the Web 50
Total Bonus Points 750

Score Summary:
CW Digital Phone Total
Total QSOs 1514 0 773
Total Points 3028 0 773 3801 Claimed Score = 7,602

Submitted by:
Harvard Wireless Club, W1AF
6 Linden St
Cambridge MA 02138
E-mail: nall@stanford.edu

Band/Mode QSO Breakdown:
CW Digital Phone
QSOs Pwr(W) QSOs Pwr(W) QSOs Pwr(W)
80m 64 100 77 100
40m 501 100 167 100
20m 435 100 185 100
15m 193 100 23 100
10m 165 100 47 100
6m 156 100 3 100
2m 5 100
GOTA 266 100
TOTAL 1514 0 773

GOTA Bonus: No GOTA Coach
Name/Call QSOs Bonus Points
George Clark, W1XW 16 0
Scott Robson, K6AUS 23 20
Quentin Smith, AB1IZ 27 20
Bill Collins, W1PL 138 100
Rohit Chaki, KC2UQC 62 60

Supporting documentation for Bonus Points will be sent via e-mail to: fieldday@arrl.org

International Space Station Contact

We have been meaning to put this one up for a while. We recently did some antenna work on our roof, including putting up a new 144/440 MHz antenna. Bill (station manager) was testing it out when he checked to see what satellites may be flying by. Luckily the International Space Station was about to shoot overhead. Sure enough when Bill tuned in and called CQ he made contact - the first between W1AF and the space station. A nice contact Bill!

This is one QSL card we are very proud of here at W1AF!

November Sweepstakes SSB Contest

Five people took part, Rohit (KC2UQC), Fred (K1VR), Dennis (N3ER), Bill (W1PL) and Scott (K6AUS). Fred and Dennis are seasoned competitors and managed to work up a lot of contacts while also teaching the other three the ropes. 396 contacts was not too bad, and pretty much what we expected. This was largely a learning experience for us where we got the chance to work with our new setup (hardware and software) and particularly familiarize ourselves with logging.

Station Manager Bill Collins sent off our logs from the November SSB Sweepstakes contest we competed in a couple of weekends back. On the bottom is our receipt from the ARRL.

2010 ARRL November Sweepstakes, SSB
Callsign: W1AF
School Club
Operator(s): K6AUS KC2UQC N1VR N3ER W1AF W1PL
Category-Operator: MULTI-OP
Category-Power: HIGH
Category-Assisted: ASSISTED
Category-Station: SCHOOL
Location: Eastern Massachusetts - EMA
Club: Harvard Wireless
Name: William E. Collins
Address: 6 Linden St
Cambridge, MA 02138
Log Deadline: 2010-12-07 03:00:00 UTC
Received at: 2010-11-29 22:29:23 UTC
Reported QSOs: 396
Confirmation #: 4118752.arrl-ss-ssb

Digital Activity!

W1AF webmaster and yours truely Scott Robson (K6AUS) ventured into the shack this afternoon and tried his hand at making some digital contacts.

PSK31 was mostly active on 20 meters with an amazing grayline opening to South Africa. I made 2 contacts into the Port Elizabeth area with 599 reports on both ends. No really, we were both 599 with about 50 watts. I attempted some Olivia digital modes with little success. Thanks to the new software and computer system in the shack these digital contacts are very easy to do and a lot of fun!

Thats a distance of 12968 km or 8058 miles!

HF Activity at W1AF

Just a brief update on some recent activity within the club. Rohit Chaki (KC2UQC), new undergraduate member of the club, got on the air on October 16th.

This was the second time Rohit had been at the controls. He managed a remarkable 10 QSOs (contacts) during the afternoon with a contact as far away as Germany.

Fall 2010 Semester is HERE

Greetings Harvard and the Amateur radio community at large!

Welcome to the new look webstie for the Harvard Wireless Club - the Amateur radio club at Harvard University. There has been a lot of renewed interest in Amateur radio of late and this has been reflected in an increasing interest in the Club over the summer.

We had our first meeting for the new year on September 28th were we elected Bill Collins (W1PL) as new station manager. Bill takes over from Clayton Nall who has performed an excellent job of maintaining station equipment for the past 5 years while doing his PhD at the same time! We all thank Clay for his efforts and wish him well with his graduation this year. Two new undergraduate officers were elected to posts, Rohit Chaki and Patrick Snodgrass.

New Web Page

New Web page design has been settled upon. Lots of things will be missing for a while until they get moved, but until then, at least we have a new look and an easier way to update stuff.


The Harvard Wireless Club is an association of students, faculty, and staff of Harvard University who have a common interest in amateur radio. If you would like to take a tour of the station or join the club you may email us at W1AF for more information.

Upcoming events

Stay Tuned!

The Harvard Wireless Club W1AF
Harvard name and/or VERITAS shield are trademarks of the President and Fellows of Harvard College and are used by permission of Harvard University.
Send comments to k6aus@arrl.net
Enquires about the club and joining can be sent to w1af@harvard.edu
Last updated: Sept. 2010